Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy "White" Thanksgiving


I love Thanksgiving and everything about the holiday season - including snow.

Snow? Who said that?

We had a little surprise today.

It. Is. Snowing.

On Thanksgiving Eve.

I don't think it is supposed to snow on Thanksgiving Eve, people. Not in my land anyway.

It may be a bit chilly this time of year but snow? No way.

It is happening right now.

I am looking forward to spending Thanksgiving day with the fam and enjoying a fabulous meal. Nothing like that Mommy's cooking. Oh yeah, baby!

Thanksgiving is all about "giving thanks" but "eating" is right up there at the top of the list.

Thanksgiving is one of my friends favorite holiday. She loves to cook so she is all about the 24 pound stuffed turkey and the loads of sides that goes with it. She buys her food weeks in advance so she can get exactly what she wants for the big day.

Me? I went to the store just yesterday - it is dealing with "the real food thing," you know. Not my greatest skill. I am all about the pies. And turkey sandwiches.

I am very thankful for many things during the past year.

Of course, the hubster is right on top of the list, second only to God, of course.

I am thankful for the most wonderful family that I could ever ask for and some truly amazing friends.

And…my furry boyz. Could not live without them.

We had a scare with The Poodle's bad leg on Sunday. He has a bad case of arthritis in his front leg, which we have been wrestling with for the past year.

Sunday, He could barely walk. My heart was breaking just watching him trying to get around.

I am very thankful that today, he is back to his normal "limping" self.

His "normal limping."

Sometimes you don't know how good it is - until it gets worse.

Know what I mean?

Sorta like when you gain a ton of weight and you used to think being just a little bit overweight was so baaaaaad. Then you say something like, "I would be happy to be back to my old overweight weight right now."

See how it works?

So we are extremely happy The Poodle is back to his old limp and not the excruciating limp of Sunday.


I am very thankful for my health and being able to "walk" each day. I will admit that sometimes I can get a bit down over my back pain situation. But you know what? I am not riding around in a wheelchair or on a scooter and I am very, very thankful for that.

I can hear, I can feel, I can see. That is enough to get excited about and be thankful for every, single day.

I do something a little silly sometimes. It is an awesome "wake-up call game" I play by myself. I have never told anyone about this until the other day.

I like to sleep in total darkness but the hubster has to leave the microwave light on the kitchen. (He would be considered a darkness weenie). There is a tiny bit of light but not very much. We have a skylight in the bathroom and if the moon is bright then even the moonlight is way too much for me so I keep the bathroom door closed at night.

When I get up in the middle of the night to, aaaahem, do whatever needs to be done, I keep my eyes closed and pretend I am blind.  I imagine all the obstacles a blind person has to endure.

Although, it is not that difficult to maneuver around my own house in the dark, I begin to think what if I was in certain situations and WOW, what a "wake up call" ...all happenin' in the middle of the night as the hubster and the boyz snooze on.

So yeah, I may have bad pain every day but I also get to see with my own eyes and walk with my own legs, and for that, I am extremely thankful.

I know there is a lot of bad stuff happening to good people these days but I hope that you can find just one thing that made this year special to you and for which you are thankful, my friend.

What are you most thankful for this year?

Happy White Thanksgiving!

I think I may have a maple bacon cupcake for dinner. It is Thanksgiving Eve, it's allowed today - as I enjoy the beautiful snow.



  1. I am thankful that you are "sweet"..."sassy"...and for sure a "BLUR"!!!

  2. I am thankful for my family and friends. I wish we could do this Thanksgiving more than once a year. I do the turkey, stuffing and gravy.
    My daughter does the sides and she makes them all so well, just the way I taught her. She has my pumpkin pie recipe down "pat". They were sooo good this time as usual but seemed to be extra good this time. She said she just made them the same as always. I guess I was just ready for some home made pumpkin pie. It is so nice to not have to do all of the cooking. We were all together except for my youngest and his family. They went to the other grandmother's to eat today. I find your stories to be very interesting. You are a good writer........... ME

    1. Hey ME! You know what? There is no law stating that we "can't" do Thanksgiving more that once a year. Great idea - I may go for it! I will get back to you on that. Just like when they say you can't have your cake and eat it too. Well, you can - just buy one and eat it. Simple!
