Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cup Cake Party for One

I had the all best intentions and great expectations.  It was father's day and I wanted to try my first "people" photo shoot.  The granddaddy, the daddy, and the grand babies were in the building - all in the same place at the same time.

Perfect opportunity. Perfect day.

After hours of "talk" of whether the photo shoot would or would not happen, the boys finally consented.


Well, almost a YAY.

The girls were excited about the photo shoot.  It didn't take me long to "get it" that the boys were not "in the mood."  I took along a football, a cupcake and a blankie for props.  Good thing I didn't insist on bringing the antique family rocking chair along to the location.

It was not meant to be.

First people photo shoot:  Epic fail.

Home we went.

The girls were a little disappointed but as you know - it's just the way life rolls.  Suck it up, learn from it and move on down the road, baby.

Then suddenly we had a brilliant idea - as most girls regularly do.  We didn't need those boys after all. We were perfectly capable of doing an awesome photo shoot without them.

And so we did.

We took our baby Zoe, the lone cupcake, a blankie and off we went.

It didn't take long until we were in full photo mode.  The baby's job - to look cute. The Mommy's job - to make sure the baby looked cute and my job - shimmy around on my belly like a snake in the grass, use my elbow as a tripod and "get the shot."

It only took a few seconds until she was in full cupcake mode.  She wasn't the least bit shy about "going for it."  Girls are so cooperative.

The raspberry got her attention.  She wanted that red thing.    

She knew she was "getting away" with something.

She was cracking up.  She was totally in the mood for a cupcake photo shoot.

We got lots of smiles and giggles.

She got something she normally doesn't get and took full advantage of the situation.
Girls do that too.

To our surprise, she did this...on her own.

We couldn't stop laughing.  

After this shot, things got a little messy.  Thank goodness The Mommy was there to clean her up.  

I hid out for a bit.

Sticky sweet kisses anyone?  They are free for the taking.

Moral of the story:  if your photo subjects are a bit moody, ditch them and go find more.  Life is just too dang short to deal with those who are just not "in the mood."

I hope you are a having a sweet cupcake kinda day, we sure did.

I will take all the sweet, sticky kisses that I can get.

When is the last time you got a sweet, sticky, baby kiss?



  1. So wonderful! The pix came out so well, but then why wouldn't they since they are of a gorgeous baby girl?!
    Sister Steph

  2. Thank you Steph! Yes, we think she is a cutie. Babies who are so sweet and smile all the time are even more cute :)
