Thursday, February 7, 2013

Springtime Fondant Flowers

It is January and we are making beautiful flowers.  This is one way to beat the snow and the cold temps.  Just pretend it is Springtime and grow sugar flowers in your kitchen.

Whimsical types of flowers can be just as pretty as their nature counterparts. 

They are fun to make, require little or no drying time and can be made rather quickly.

I like “quickly.”

I made this assortment of flowers out of fondant for cupcakes.  I really wasn’t sure how I would place them on the cupcakes but decided I would figure it out when it was time.

I didn’t.

I probably put them on and took them back off several times – ruining some of the flowers and icing in the process.

I have seen several types of decorated cupcakes with “what appears to be” various types of flowers randomly placed on top.

Don’t let that fool you. 

They. Are. Not. Random.

They have been planned, created and executed.  In cake design, there is very little “random” that works out for me. 

This is just the way it is.

CRAZY isn’t it?

But on the flip side, CRAZY can be a lot of fun.  It is just the way life rolls.

I think these random flowers may have been better suited for a cake. 

What do you think?

I will throw in these tiny purple hearts just for fun.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have you danced yet today? 

Better get started….

Springtime is on it's way, baby!


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